Make a Donation

Make a Donation

Donate by Mail

Please send your donation to:

Office of Advancement
School of Veterinary Medicine
University of California
PO Box 1167
Davis, CA 95617

Make your check payable to UC Regents, with a note that your gift is for the Center for Companion Animal Health. For your convenience, use our printable gift form.

TIP: If you send a donation via U.S. Postal Service, the postmark date of your mailing is the official date of the donation.

Donate with Credit Card

Please call the School of Veterinary Medicine Office of Advancement at 530-752-7024, or use this online donation portal to either make a general donation to the CCAH, or make a gift in honor of a special person or animal who has touched your life. After you complete the section at the top of the form with your personal information, list the donation amount in the box labeled Center for Companion Animal Health.

More Information

Call 530-752-7024 or email the Office of Advancement at