Companion Animal Memorial Fund (by Veterinary Clinics)
The CCAH is grateful to the veterinary clinics listed under "Partnering Clinics" for their donations to the Companion Animal Memorial Fund (CAMF). Participating veterinary clinics and practitioners honor their patients and clients who have recently lost a companion animal friend by sending the names of their client, patient and clinic to the CCAH, along with a donation in their honor.
Each year, more than 300 participating clinics contribute in excess of $250,000 through memorial gifts for clinical health research to improve treatment for diseases affecting their clients' pets. If you'd like to learn how to become a participant, call our Office of Advancement at 530-752-7024. For our veterinary partners: If your clinic is already participating, log in below with your authorization password.
Thank you for becoming a sponsor of the Companion Animal Memorial Fund (CAMF). Not only will countless animals benefit from your support of the Center for Companion Animal Health, you will find that your clients genuinely appreciate this caring gesture.
Two Ways to Participate in the Program
- Print and fill out the Pet Owner Data Sheet (download pdf) with client names, pet names and addresses. Or use the e-form (click here) and then print document to mail. Click here for detailed instructions (pdf).
- Make your clinic/hospital check payable to UC Regents. We suggest a minimum contribution of $10 per animal. We do not disclose the amount of the memorial gift to the client.
- Mail your check with the completed Pet Owner Data Sheet to:
Office of Advancement - Memorial Fund
UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine
One Shields Avenue
Davis, CA 95616
Credit card donations can be made online here. Note clinic name and date sent in the comment section of the online giving form.
As soon as we receive the above information, we will mail a personalized letter to your client recognizing your generosity in honor of his/her special animal and acknowledging your support of the CCAH and its work on behalf of the health and welfare of all companion animals (download sample letter-pdf).Your clients will not be solicited unless they request information or make a personal donation. We will send you a certificate of sponsorship to display in your office.
How it Works
- Your clinic sends a donation in honor of a client who recently lost a pet.
- We send a letter to your client that recognizes your generous memorial gift.
- Your clinic is listed in School of Veterinary Medicine literature and recognition materials, and you receive periodic research updates from the CCAH.
Who Benefits?
You, the practitioner, demonstrate your care for another person’s distress and sense of loss. You also remind your client of your interest in improving the health of companion animals.
Your clients, who can be reassured through your memorial gift that their late companion has not been forgotten.
The School of Veterinary Medicine, which can continue its renowned health studies thanks to your support through CAMF.
Companion animals everywhere, whose health and well-being will ultimately be improved through advances made by School of Veterinary Medicine research.
How are Funds Used?
The CCAH’s mission is to improve the health, longevity and enjoyment of life among all species of companion animals. The CAMF program supports discoveries in diverse animal-health areas, such as:
- Cancer therapy
- Infectious diseases
- Nutrition
- Kidney failure
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Genetic disease
Don’t hesitate to call us with questions at 530-752-7024 or email us at petmemorial@ucdavis.edu.
Dr. Michael Kent, MAS, DVM, DACVIM, DACVR
Director, Center for Companion Animal Health